Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why I Started This Blog

Since I was a child, I've had respiratory problems. My sinuses were constantly irritated and in high-school, a full-size Kleenex box was just as necessary as my books. Not so cute!

In my early 20's, I was diagnosed with Chronic Sinusitis and put on the typical drugs: Allegra, nasal sprays, etc. The sinus infections followed, and one year, I had 9 sinus infections, 4 of which spread to my lungs and caused bronchitis, and 2 developed into pneumonia.

Missing lots of work, experiencing exhaustion, and as a singer, having to cancel performances left and right, I was at the end of my rope. My doctor suggested that I go see an ENT specialist, so I did. On inspection, she informed me that I had extraordinarily small and blocked sinuses, as well as a deviated septum. My sinus passages were the width of a human hair, and surgery was immediately scheduled.

I healed from the surgery, and thought all was solved. However, six months later, the infections returned. Turns out my right maxillary sinus experienced unusual post-surgery "over scarring" and had scarred all the way shut, creating a blockage in my sinus system, trapping bacteria, and creating infections. Reluctantly, I went under the knife again for a second sinus surgery.

Years later, the infections returned and this time I began acupuncture and hired a personal trainer to develop a work-out plan that would boost my immune system. After hearing my story, his first suggestion was going to a holistic doctor to investigate food allergies and sensitivities. Several people had suggested this, but as a food-lover, I was secretly afraid of losing my beloved sourdough toast, chocolate ice cream, and anything else I wanted to eat! But, it was time. My life was a constant trip to the doctor. I had so many sinus infections, I was even suspected to have Cystic Fibrosis, and was pumped up on a multiple-month dose of antibiotics, which left me lethargic and full of side-effects.

After an elimination diet, common in holistic practices, I had an answer. Wheat, dairy, and corn all inflamed my sinuses! I don't have Celiac or lactose intolerance, but all three foods and their counterparts are known for mucus thickening, and for me, with malformed sinuses, this was contributing to my disease.

It took me a couple of years to embrace this reality, but now, 3 years into my wheat-free/dairy-free/corn-free diet, I have substantially less sinus infections.

I am not cured: a recent trip to a new ENT revealed that my right maxillary sinus has yet scarred over again and the dysfunction of my sinus system has now shut my Eustachian tubes down and I am experiencing ear problems. A third sinus surgery is suggested, as well as ear-tubes. I have decided I won't go under the knife again for my disease, and with great attention to my diet, regular exercise, and a focus on relaxation and happiness, it will have to do. Also, I've come to accept that I live in one of the worst cities for air quality -- Nashville -- so, other options in that area are being explored.

Now...why did I start this blog? I have come to fully embrace my dietary restrictions, and as a hobby cook, I have come to LOVE the challenge it poses and the creativity it demands in the kitchen. I started this blog to share my "concoctions in the kitchen" and to be a resource and inspiration to those in my situation. The several blogs I have found that share photos and recipes of wheat-free/dairy-free home-made creations have come to feel like an old friend, and I'd love to do that for others.

Unfortunately, I am busy beyond belief, so I won't always be able to share recipes, but I will try my best to share a short list of ingredients used with each photo if possible. A lot of these posts will most likely be mobile uploads or pics on the run!

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